Reason315 was started by Cody Greenway for the purpose of equipping the church for ministry through practical biblical teaching married with reasoned thought. Our goal is to prepare and mentor Christians to be able to, through their own spiritual growth, interact with those whom they are ministering to; whether they be other believers, people who have never heard the gospel, or those who have heard but have objections or questions.

Western societies are rapidly deteriorating morally, socially, and structurally. There is no political policy nor church program that will stem this societal decay. Our only hope of seeing change in the world is to see genuine, divine change in the hearts of individuals through the spread of the gospel of Christ and then to oversee their growth to maturity through the teaching of the scriptures and sound doctrine. It is our hope to see revival in the western world; and it is our intention to do what we can to equip the body of Christ for ministry, that through each member’s calling and mature walk, the world will see God move in the nations.

Our Beliefs



God, Yahweh, is the eternal creative being from which all of the universe was formed and whose character defines what is holy. He is comprised of the Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible

The Bible

The Bible is the story of God’s redemptive work throughout history, written by men who were inspired by God. In it’s inspired form, it is infallible and inerrant and has been divinely preserved through the millennia

The Church

The Church

The church is the collective body of believers both locally in the present time, and throughout history, universally. The church is a people redeemed by the work of Christ, called out of world to be holy and make disciples.

The Westminster Confession of Faith

When it comes to a full, comprehensive layout of our beliefs, there seems little point in recreating the wheel. The Westminster Confession of Faith has served the church for centuries to aid in understanding the tenants of Christian faith and doctrine. There is little in the document that we would disagree with. The items that we may differ on or that are not present in the document, are in the category of what we believe Paul would have labeled the “debatable things” and as pertaining to his words in the scriptures, we find no value in separating the church over such details.

The one and possibly only difference that I would elaborate on, is that we are of the mind that the redeeming work of Christ is powerful for salvation not only for those who have heard and accepted, but also to those who may have never heard, but have seen God’s invisible attributes in nature and have chosen to worship Him. The litmus to these groups, however, is obviously Christ. If such a people group are worshiping the true God, Yahweh, then the news of Christ and the cross will be received with open hearts. If a people group worship a god of their own devices, or a twisted representation of the true God, are presented with Christ, they will of course reject him. In our limited human perception, we may not know the difference otherwise.

Westminster Confession of Faith

Our Team

Cody Greenway

Cody lives with his wife Adrienne and three daughters in Greenville, SC. He was called to Christianity and into ministry in August of 2000. Cody has since served in various roles and leadership positions within local churches and supporting organizations, and has taught all age groups along the way. Cody has continually sought to deepen his relationship with Christ and is a life-long student of scripture and people. He holds an Associates from Covenant Seminary. His primary gift is teaching, but has seen God work in various ways as the Spirit moves.

Adrienne Greenway

Adrienne graduated with a Bachelors from North Greenville University in 2004. She has served in ministry, locally and internationally, since she was a teenager. Although Adrienne and Cody were married in 2006, she has served along side him in various ministries since they began dating in 2003. She is gifted in administration; and although she is naturally introverted, to see her minister to others, you would not know it. Her role in every ministry she and Cody have been a part of is foundational to its success, after God, of course…