People before Politics!!!!!

Better yet, God before Politics. We don’t typically focus on politics in our ministry; however, it is difficult to ignore the impact they have on people, and the church in particular. I am not talking about policies that affect the church as much as I am the general sentiment that builds up in church culture. Bickering with other Christians over candidates and policies is a huge problem. Backbiting may be a more poignant term for those of you grounded in scripture. And when Christians turn their focus from each other’s politics to those outside of the church it gets even worse.

In fact, I am willing to say with absolute confidence that most Christians are more interested and invested in having a political argument than they are willing to share the story of Christ.

I am absolutely speaking from experience in that assertion. I, myself, went through the struggle of getting sucked into the political machine. It is easy to do. It is in front of us everyday. People are proclaiming their anti-gospels of government with far greater consistency than the good news of Christ. The repetition as well as the empowerment of information and like opinions embolden us to pickup and preach the causes dearest to us. With most Christians only hearing the actual gospel preached once or twice a week, assuming they are in a healthy church, is it any wonder that it gets drowned out?

I am not suggesting that there aren’t important issues of government that must be addressed. There are times and places for that and even for intense debate; however, it seems like the church has gotten so distracted by politics, or their politician of choice, that it is silently becoming an idol. The idea that the right president will save our country is being preached by more Christians than anything else in our present day; when, in fact, our only hope for change is to preach Christ.

Paul didn’t preach against the Roman government to try to change things in his day, did he? No, he preached Christ to change people’s hearts even at the risk of death. When people’s hearts changed, their culture changed. When their culture changed, their politics changed. You will never see this work in reverse order. Any policy or leader you put in place today will be taken out tomorrow as long as the culture of the people voting is opposed to it. We must start with real, spirit-driven conversion, and that conversion only comes when Jesus becomes the focus of our salvation. When did the church begin to look for a president to take the place of Christ in being our hope of seeing God work in our country?

And when it comes to presidents and elections that’s when the venom really begins to flow. We are a people who are to be known by our love, unless we are talking about politics…? What about the idea that political leaders have been put in power by God as Paul wrote in Romans 13:1? Or how about when he urges prayer for those kings and those in authority in 1 Tim 2:1-3? It isn’t qualified by whether you agree with them or whether they are Godly. If we are unable to show compassion and preach Christ in our conversations with each others, it is very likely because we have neglected to mention them in our conversations with God.

One of the worst examples of this wicked behavior on the part of Christians is with our current president. I am not a fan of Joe Biden’s politics. I long to see a change in leadership in the next election. But more than any of this, my heart hurts for him and would (should) even if I were not a Christian. Setting aside any Christian sentiment for a moment and just looking at it from a naturalistic point of view: When I have seen President Biden over the past few years, I have seen my grandfather as he declined from the affects of Alzheimer’s. The way he moves, they way he talks and fumbles, the confusion… at times he looks like a lost child and it hurts my heart because I remember that look on my grandfather’s face.

We SHOULD be angry, and righteously so, but not because of Joe Biden’s politics. Instead, we should be furious that this person, a person created in the image of God, who is in a vulnerable position physically and mentally, is being used by others for their own political agendas. The problem is that Christians, or supposed Christians, are mocking him and tearing him down in an equal divisive attempt to elevate their own agenda.

Where is the compassion? Where are our tears, as we fervently pray for his soul, for his health, for his wisdom, for God to be with him as our governing authority, for his protection from those who wish to do him harm? I am not saying his policies get a pass and that we shouldn’t speak God’s truth concerning those policies, but the church must put the person before the politics. It must put God before it’s politics.

There is no president coming to save us from the godless, painful days ahead of our country. And as long as the church is looking for a man to come to their rescue, they will never see the revival that God would pour out on our nation. These Christians who are worshipping at the idols of Washington are their own worst enemy. If only we could get out of our own way, if only we would elevate Christ instead of our political opinions, then we would see the change we long for. Changed hearts, change people; changed people, change culture; changed culture, changes politics.

President Biden, we pray for you. We pray for your soul, for your protection, for your wisdom. We pray that God would rescue you from those who would use you. We pray that God draws you to himself through the salvation bought with the blood of Christ on the Cross and that you would be filled with the Spirit.

15Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. 17Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

Romans 12:15-18

Happy birthday President Biden! We rejoice with you.

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