How Can We Serve You?

Reason315 offers a variety of opportunites to equip you


Get biblically-grounded teaching, both online and in-person. Check out our online resources or click here to see more about our in-person teaching options.


Browse our growing list of resources. Here you will find content geared towards equipping you and your church to do ministry in today's ever-changing landscape.


Speak with a real person by phone, text or email if you have questions, prayer requests or would like a consultation for your church or situation.

What We Believe!

Here is a summary of what we believe. Check out our about page for a more detailed look:


God, Yahweh, is the eternal creative being from which all of the universe was formed and whose character defines what is holy. He is comprised of the Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible

The Bible

The Bible is the story of God's redemptive work throughout history, written by men who were inspired by God. In it's inspired form, it is infallible and inerrant and has been divinely preserved through the millennia

The Church

The Church

The church is the collective body of believers both in the present time, and throughout history, universally. The church is a people redeemed by the work of Christ, called out of the world to be holy and make disciples.


Recent Blogs and Podcasts

People Before Politics

People before Politics!!!!! Better yet, God before Politics. We don’t typically focus on politics in our ministry; however, it is difficult to ignore the impact they have on people, and the church in particular. I Read more…

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